School management system - EDUkIT becomes School Champion


  • 18.10.2012 Project EDUkIT - member and gold medalist of the National Exhibition competition

    On 16-18 October KievExpoPlaza Exhibition Centre hosted the 4th National Exhibition-Presentation Innovation in Modern Education. The event was organized by the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sport of Ukraine, the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine and the company "Vystavochny Mir". Over 629 schools from 27 regions of Ukraine as well as state boards of education, graduate...

  • 05.10.2012 Congratulations on Teacher's Day from EDUkIT project!

    Есть профессии разные в переменчивом мире, Выбрал модную, стильную, Приз получишь, как в тире, Креативность в почете, очень круто и точно, Ты стоишь на ногах, упираешься прочно. Но ценнее и ярче нету в жизни работы, Благородное дело, есть потребность и квоты, А заботы о ближнем, а терпение, а рвение, А любовь, без любви — не работа, а бремя. Мудрость, такт и умение, и почетней не встретишь, Ни в стране, ни в миру, ни на нашей планете, Есть великое звание и зовется учитель, Он над мыслями детскими — первый смотритель...

  • 05.10.2012 How to add a banner to a school website?

    On the Home Page of your school or on the Useful Links Page, you can place a banner with information about another Internet source, e.g. the banner of the Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sport. Before uploading the banner onto your school website, you have to prepare : - a banner, i.e. an image or a logo; - a link to the source. To add a banner to the website, you need to: 1) go to the page where you want to upload the banner and enter the editor...

  • 03.10.2012 EDUkIT will participate in the 4th National Exhibition-Presentation Innovation in Modern Education

    On 16-18 October , KievExpoPlaza Exhibition Centre will host the 4th National Exhibition-Presentation Innovation in Modern Education . The exhibition is organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine and the company Vystavochny Mir. The aim of the exhibition is to present the innovative experience of educational institutions to the general public, teachers, specialists, scientists and state authorities as well as discuss further improvement of the learning process...