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Master-class on developing websites for libraries in Vinnytsia


EDUkIT project presentation and training in Vinnytsia (26-27.06.2012)

26-27 June 2012 in Vinnitsia EDUkIT project managers Dariya Ryzhkova and Anastasiya Fedorchuk made ​​a presentation of EDUkIT project and master-class devoted to information and educational opportunities of the platform.

The event was held in the premises of Vinnytsia Regional Universal Scientific Library named after Timiriazev.

Among the participants of the master-class - librarians in rural and regional libraries of Vinnytsia region, for whom websites have been pre-created.

During the master-class they have mastered the principles of working with websites: how to choose a template, create a new page, post photos/videos, make a slide show, how to share the news on social networking sites, how to add on-line banner, etc.

Also the training was attended by Yaroslava Tytarenko, director of development (IREX) and Anna Taranenko, a specialist (IREX).

The list of new websites for libraries of Vinnytsia:

  1. Teplyk central district library
  2. Yampіl central district library
  3. Yarmolyntsi library (Gaisynska CLS)
  4. Dashіv city library (Іllіnetska CLS)
  5. Galaykivtsi library
  6. Rayhorod village library
  7. Vapniarka village library
  8. Tsybulіvka village library
  9. Central library CLS of Vіnnytsia district
  10. Kalynіvka CLS
  11. Kryzhopіl CLS
  12. Mogylіv-Podіlsk central district library

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